Bright things for bright people. Hand-painted genuine leather bags and wallets. Colorful dresses and ideas for a unique Alegría style.

Most of Alegría bags and wallets are unique. It means that you'll not occasionally meet on the streets somebody who's wearing your same bag or using your same wallet. If you like to be different and you appreciate and do know the price of high quality and good taste, our web-shop has a lot to offer you! 

Brand Alegría was born in 2012 as a challenge to the copy-paste consu-merism style. We believe that each person has a right to express her or his bright internal world in a variety of ways. Our little pieces or art can be or of the choices. Also, we don't share the idea of selling put-on-once-&-throw-away products. Buy quality, don't consume irresponsibly! 

"Bendita Tentación"

Calle del Espíritu Santo, 30, 28004 Madrid, España